Welcome Home School Families
The NHEG Home School Guidance Programs helps students who are considering giving up school or who are at risk of not graduating. We offer affordable online learning, personalized schedules, informational services, online courses, pre-assessments and testing, home school course planning, superintendent’s office paperwork completion, diploma and transcript template preparation, home school guidance, special needs placement, notification form preparation, notification letter template, schedule preparation and monitoring, curriculum options and more.
Services for home school students:
- Student leadership opportunities
- Field trips
- Prom and annual dances
- Live production opportunities
- Affordable graduation pictures
- Discounts and other opportunities only given to homeschool families
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Special Legislative ALERT
Melanie Elsey, Legislative Liaison
Christian Home Educators of Ohio
A HUGE Change in Ohio…
Dear home educators and friends,
“Ohio law consists of the Ohio Constitution, the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code. The Constitution is the state’s highest law superseding all others. The Revised Code is the codified law of the state while the Administrative Code is a compilation of administrative rules adopted by state agencies.”
Since 1989, home education has been tucked away in the Ohio Administrative Code under the authority of the State Board of Education.
There is a huge change in home education for our state! The Ohio General Assembly has approved the state’s 2-year budget (HB33) and in this legislation the definition of home education has been moved from the Ohio Administrative Code and formally placed in the Ohio Revised Code. Effective the first week of October, home education will be defined in codified law and will also be simplified for all home educating families. State regulations that have been in place for over 30 years will be repealed.
We are so thankful for the Lord’s care and provision for all homeschool families in Ohio. This is a day to celebrate and rejoice. In this alert we wish to explain what has transpired and how it will affect families moving forward.
In His service,
Link to document: HERE
(Click on “Enrolled” version and scroll to page 5164)

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hecoa_drft_3Diploma and Transcript Templates created by us
Please do not share these – direct people to download their own copies instead.
We ask that you donate at least $35 for each if you can afford it.
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Home school students do not have to match the above requirements. We highly recommend you join HSLDA.
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