NHEG Teachers Portal
The NHEG Teacher Portal is a dedicated page of information, resources, organizations and professional development for teachers.
We provide online teachers and tutors all the resources they need to successfully educate their students via tutoring sessions and classes. Using multimedia, tutors and teachers provide the students many opportunities for interaction via discussion boards, asynchronous chat, synchronous chat and a virtual lab for hands-on experience to make classes more engaging. NHEG also provides the tutors and teachers access to the latest online resources for grades K-8 and 9-12 and for adult students.
Classroom Resources
For a teacher, putting together a teaching plan can be time consuming and expensive. These classroom resources will help in the development of that plan.
Educational Technology
This Educational Technology resources list contains schools and school districts across Ohio that incorporate Educational Technology in their classrooms.
Teacher Resources
This is a list of resources in the form of articles, videos and audio recordings to help you become a more effective teacher.