NHEG Assessment
This is an overview on how New Heights Educational Group works with students and their individual NHEG Assessments in order to track the students’ growth.
Within NHEG, student growth is tracked with various tools and assessments, which helps us determine students’ placements in proper learning level classes. We are not big on testing or labeling students; we learn the most by working one-on-one with students and by listening to them and their parents.
We currently use Reading Success Lab and Math Success Lab, Irlen screening and our own assessments to help place students in the proper learning levels. We have been providing this assessment locally for many years. We are happy to announce that these assessments will now be available online. Offering these assessments online will cut costs and make the assessments more affordable. You will soon be able to complete assessments in the aforementioned topics and in some new topics including English, Science, Biology and History.
Every student receives an individualized education plan, and families can choose whether they want the assessment. These assessments are updated monthly with input from the director of NHEG. They are assigned by the teacher or tutor. We start with a letter from the parent introducing their child to the teacher or tutor assigned, any school reports, IEP’s from outside sources and test results.
After the student is placed in a tutoring program, they receive a private sign-in page to access important information such as curricula pages and all class recordings. The class recordings can be helpful for the student to review later if needed. It also includes information on their teacher/tutor and photos of the teacher/tutor. They also receive a calendar of NHEG events and their tutoring schedule.
We are always making advancements and striving to bring more resources to our students. We often share outside resources that may help the student in their journey. Every student needs personalized learning. We help NHEG families reach all of their goals. We advocate and utilize whole-body learning, the use of Brian Gym exercises and consuming plenty of water when learning. This, of course, isn’t a requirement but a suggestion.
Our methods have shown a lot of success. In general, we see a two-year advancement in as little as nine months for those that stick to our program. The most we have seen is a four-year advancement in a little over a year. We can’t guarantee that you will see the same success since every student is different.
Our partnership with the Success Labs program offers the two components: a testing component and an intervention component. All of our new products are cloud applications where one uses a browser to access our website, and all activity takes place at our website through the browser.
Both testing and intervention focus on fluency, which is a combination of accuracy and automaticity, and it is measured by how long it takes the student to formulate responses. Longer response times indicates less automaticity.
The testing component assesses only for reading and math performance appropriate for kindergarten to adult level. The intervention components cover reading skills, math skills, various subject matter terminology and custom built materials.
The testing component has a number of tasks; each measures fluency for a particular single reading skill. These tasks are organized and presented to a student in a sequence called an ‘evaluation’ to get a profile of reading skills that are mastered and those that need work.
When all tasks in the evaluation have been completed, the website generates a report that details the student’s fluency performance. People have difficulty reading for many reasons, and part of the report is a pattern analysis on performance for the tasks included, with different patterns suggesting different underlying issues. The report may be viewed immediately and at any later time. This report is designed to be read by a non-technical person, such as a parent.
Profile evaluations are available for determining the nature of a problem, and Progress evaluations are available for tracking skill progress over time. All activities are performed online through a browser.
Any individual skill fluency task may be used separately from an evaluation. For example, one may want to run the Word Identification task regularly to track progress on this particular skill over some period of time. Below is the list of available tasks:
Use promo code, nheg-1 when making your purchases at Reading Success Lab as you will receive a discount with all your purchases.
Reading | Math |
Rhyme Initial Phoneme Final Phoneme Simple Reaction Letter Recognition Word Recognition Word Meaning Sentence Understanding Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension | Number Recognition Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Triple Addition Triple Multiplication Mixed Operations |
The intervention component has a large number of Skill Builder exercises that are designed to improve fluency in reading and math skills along with spelling and word meaning skills. All activities are performed online through a browser. A student works with a single exercise repeatedly until that exercise is mastered as determined by the software, when certain fluency [accuracy and speed] criteria are met. After every session a report is generated in the browser showing the student’s progress along with observations and recommendations. One has the option of creating one’s own materials to use with this system.
Below is a list of Skill Builder exercises that are available to everyone. Additionally, one may create custom exercises.
Reading | Math |
Letters Word Families [rhyming] Grade 1 Words Grade 2 Words Grade 3 Words Grade 4 Words Grade 5 Words Grade 6 Words Grade 7 Words Grade 8 Words SAT Vocabulary Words Country List Science Terms Biology Terms Chemistry Terms Health Science Terms Literature Terms Math Terms World History Terms | Numbers Simple Addition Simple Subtraction Simple Multiplication Simple Division Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Mixed Operations |