Student Leadership Council Overview
SLC Mission
Student Leadership Council’s mission is to promote literacy for children and adults by offering a range of educational support services. Such services include: assisting families in the selection of schools, organization of educational activities and acquisition of materials.
Weย promote a healthy learning environment and enrichment programs for families ofย preschool and school-age children, including children with specialย needs.
Objectives: To recognize talents and strengths in students through four aspects – leadership, community service, networking and scholarship. The Student Leadership Council has two types of memberships available: junior member and senior member.
How to get started
Please submit the online application form (to the right). Put together your profile of academic achievements and talents (you can use e-portfolio or online portfolio, as well). Then please contact the Executive Director for guidelines.
You can optionally submit an informal letter (from parents/guardians) about yourย background and history.
Submit a letter giving permission to participate (from parents/guardians).
Once these documents are received at NHEG, they will be reviewed, and if found eligible, a junior membership will be granted. If you donโt qualify for a membership, you will be informed about additional things you mightย do to become a member.
If you have been accepted as a junior member, your next step will be to choose a project. You might want to discuss your choice with the Executive Director for further guidelines.
How often do you meet?
It is recommended that you meet at least once every other month.
Meetings can be held in-person/online or both.
What about a service project?
It is suggested that every student finds someone in their chosen profession to mentor themย and work with that mentor for at least six months. A letter from the mentor will be needed that shows time spent and of what the tasks consisted.
What are the testing requirements?
No standardized tests are required.
Parents may send in a letter telling about their student/childโs history, but it doesnโt count towards the three other professional references required.
Student Requirements
The requirements to be accepted as a junior member are:
- Must be 14-23 years old and in grade 9-12ย ย with minimum 3.0 GPAย and for those continuing into college with minimum 3.0 GPA
- Profile of academic and other talents
- Submission of completed application
- Letter from parents/guardians describing the studentโs history (optional)
Once accepted as a junior member, the student can work up to become a senior member by fulfilling the following requirements:
- Letter from Executive Director of New Heights Educational Group confirming active involvement in the Student Leadership Council for one year
- Letter from a mentor(s) confirming successful completion of a six-month project in a chosen area

SLC Members
Rhone-Ann Huang – President
Nina Le – Vice President
– Secretary
– Photographer
ย – News Reporter
ย – Recreation Leader
– Historian
Other members:
Want To Join?
Follow SLC on Facebook
Additional Information
- Meetings can be held in person or online.
- Each member will be given his/her own email address and online meeting information.
- Group will create meeting agendas that allow for discussion, brainstorming and socialization.
- Group can choose officers or rotate tasks.
- Members can call meetings as needed.
- Group cannot issue directives.
- Parents may send in a letter telling about their student/childโs history but it doesnโt count towards the three other professional references required.
Member Responsibilities
All junior and senior members are expected to fulfill certain responsibilities to maintain their membership status. They are:
- Attendance at monthly/bimonthly meetings
- Serve as ambassadors of New Heights Educational Group in the community, social media like Facebook and at social events
- Actively participate in NHEG-led initiatives and programs
- Take on responsibilities as delegated by NHEG’s Executive Director
Failure to meet the above requirements may result in the withdrawal from Leadership along with approval and recognition.
Student Leadership Councils (SLCs) are considered to be a benchmark for outstanding students in any field of education. Demanding academic and non-academic requirements and high expectations set aside for a few selected students make the membership a distinction in itself. Membership in an SLC will make aย student stand out during admission for higher studies.
NHEG has a large database of colleges, scholarships and contests and businesses that mentor students. We will continue to build relationships with colleges, businesses and others to bring you more opportunities.
We help youth prepare for college and get their portfolio and transcripts in order. We supply letters of reference to our student members when they have shown their commitment to the SLC. If youโre a homeschooler we will help you with creating your transcript and letter for college.
All junior members have access to mentors who will guide them through a six-month project. This project will help the student in gaining hands-on skills that can lead to a successful career in future.
Some of the above may have a fee associated with them.