Physical Education Resources for Teachers

If you are teaching physical education or like to incorporate PE into your classes, check out these physical education resources for a healthier student. Any kind of physical activity can be counted as physical education for home schoolers.

Below you can find some fun ideas so you can meet your physical education requirements! New Heights Educational Group offers sports outings in the summer months. We have a large amount of sporting equipment that we use for these outings.

The times, dates, and places for these outings will be posted on our blog ahead of time so you can make plans to attend. These events are usually free of charge. High school students need to keep track of the physical fitness. This is especially important if they are home schooled or charter schooled.

Ohio Department of Education Physical Education Lesson Plans

Find hundreds of lessons and activities to make career connections within academic subject areas. The activities on this page were developed by Ohio educators and can be viewed by subject,

Ohio Department of Education Link

Presidential Sports Award

The New Heights Educational Group are members of the Presidential Sports Award. Email us if you have any questions. After signing your child (ren) up please join our group by enter the code that was sent to you by email.

Keep track of your physical education hours and earn recognition from the president. Create an account and enter our group id: Group ID NUMBER 14959.

President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition (PCSFN) Link


TAKE10 is a classroom-based physical activity program, developed by the ILSI Research Foundation with the assistance of health professionals and education experts, combining academic instruction with 10 minutes physical activity breaks to get kids moving without sacrificing time dedicated to academic learning.

Take10 Link

Kids Bowl Free

Select bowling centers and schools around the country are participating in the first ever Kids Bowl Free program. This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time this summer.

Westgate Entertainment Center

721 N Cable Rd
Lima, OH, 45805
(419) 227-7231

Ohio Skate

Admission is $4.00 per person and regular skate rentals are free. There is no charge for parents or children under four years of age who are NOT SKATING. If they skate, the price is the same for everyone.

Ohio Skate Link

Fitness For Home school

The Fitness 4 Home school Curriculum allows home school parents to teach physical education without previous knowledge of physical education and athletic development. Our program, designed by experts in fitness training, nutrition and body movement, is designed to suit every age and ability level while affordably fitting into your budget. Our program combines flexibility and fun with a comprehensive curriculum to give your children a foundation for strong bodies and minds.

Fitness For Homeschool Link

Operation FitKids

The American Council on Exercise® is serious about its initiative to reach out to today’s youth. This seven-lesson, free, online Operation FitKids® curriculum is available for both the 3rd to 5th grade classroom level, as well as the 6th to 8th grade level. Although the lessons and their activities are presented in an independent fashion, you can integrate the lesson concepts into your existing curricula.

Operation FitKids Link

Spark Physical Education Lesson Plan

The original SPARK PE study was launched by the National Institutes of Health to create, implement, and evaluate new and innovative approaches to physical education content and instruction, then test them in “real world” settings. SPARK PE was designed to be more inclusive, active and fun than traditional PE classes.

Today, after lessons learned from more than 20 years of ongoing research and field testing nationwide, SPARK PE is the most researched and field-tested Physical Education program in the world – a true solution to our growing problem of overweight and obese children.

Spark P.E. Link

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