Spelling Resources for Teachers
This is a list of spelling resources to help you teach your students to become more effective spellers and prepare them for the next spelling bee.
Natural Speller by Kathryn Stout
This is the only book you will ever need to teach spelling. Teaching strategies include additional tips for use with the learning disabled. Word lists are organized by both sight and sound patterns. Build vocabulary skills with Latin and Greek roots, word lists and by using the spelling rules to add prefixes and suffixes to root words.
Kids Konnect: Spelling
This library contains many spelling worksheets that you can use for your classroom to help your students develop strong spelling skills and vocabulary skills.
Purdue OWL: Grammar
These OWL resources will help you use correct grammar in your writing. This area includes resources on grammar topics, such as count and noncount nouns, articles (a versus an), subject-verb agreement and prepositions.
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City provides hundreds of free first-grade level spelling and vocabulary lists that align with first-grade, language arts curriculum. First grade teachers can choose from a wide variety of lists to create assignments using Vocabulary Spelling City’s interactive games, activities and printable worksheets to supplement their spelling or vocabulary lessons.
High School Spelling Words – 36 Week Program
This program is designed for developing spelling proficiency for students in 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade. However, you may also find the program helpful for those in 8th grade as well.
High School Spelling Words Link
Home Spelling Words
Home Spelling Words offers basic word lists & tests for grades K-7. You can also add your own lists! It can also keep test scores and a grade report. This would work for kids who get distracted by lots of colors and flashing lights on the screen. It’s a basic, easy-to-use (with tutorials if you need them) program.
edHelper: Spelling Resources
edHelper has many K-12 spellings resources and activities that you can incorporate into your lesson plans.
Spellzone: Spelling Resources
The Spellzone resource is for students aged seven to adult in school, at work and at home. It is also suitable for students learning English as a foreign language and for those with dyslexia. The Spelling Ability Test provides all students with a baseline score and a personalized ‘Course Pathway’. This includes teaching, tests and activities from the Spellzone Starter and Main Courses.
Sparkle Box: Spelling Resources
A very warm welcome from the team at SparkleBox. Back in February 2006, SparkleBox was launched as a means of sharing useful, downloadable resources with teachers around the world. Since then the site has grown from a handful of products to many thousands, but the fundamental aim of sharing resources remains – nearly every resource on the site is completely FREE to download.